Instrumental Music Program
At North Shore State School, we offer the opportunity for students in years 4 to 6 to learn a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument. These lessons are held weekly and are delivered by a qualified music instructor. Our instrumental students also join a school band and given performance opportunities to build their confidence and performance skills.
We currently have two choirs at North Shore State School. Our junior choir is open to students in years 1, 2 and 3 and our senior choir is open to students from years 4, 5 and 6. The choirs have various opportunities to sing within the school and also out in our community. The students also look forward to competing in the Townsville Eisteddfod each year which is a great learning experience for them. Rehearsals are held once a week during lunch breaks and are led by our performing arts teacher.
Music Room
Our school hosts a newly built music room accompanied by a fully functioning recording studio and instrumental room. The students are delivered a curriculum covering the performing arts (music, dance and drama) and they have access to an extensive variety of musical instruments and performing arts resources.