At North Shore State School, the Guidance Officer provides a service three days a week. The Guidance Officer is a support person who is involved in psycho-education assessment, education adjustment programs, student wellbeing, mental health, counselling, case management, inter-agency referrals, and critical incident support. Duties are varied and are largely determined through negotiation between the Guidance Officer and Principal, or through the school's Support Services Team.
The Guidance Officer may provide the following:
- Assist schools in identification of students requiring support;
- Investigate and assess a wide range of learning issues and support provisions for individual students;
- Gather data through assessment, observations, discussions with stakeholders, networking with medical specialists;
- Provide written reports on assessments with recommendations;
- Collaboratively negotiate and develop Personalised Learning Plans to support the unique needs of students;
- Interagency referrals;
- Complex case management in areas such as Mental Health and Student Protection.
Guidance Officers provide professional expertise, leadership and support to school communities and networks in the development and implementation of plans, programs, and procedures to assist students in achieving positive educational, developmental and lifelong learning outcomes.