At North Shore State School, we value, offer and encourage a love of reading, while providing a safe and enjoyable experience for students.
The school library has an extensive range of books to choose from, which include popular children's stories, fiction titles and a non- fiction section - covering a wide range of interests, such as sport, sharks, craft, cooking, exploration, etc.
Students come to the Library on a weekly basis with their class and are also able to borrow and return books at this time. Students must have a library bag to borrow.
Prep and Year One students are able to borrow one book per session, Year Two - two books and Years 3, 4, 5, 6 - three books. The expectation is that students return their books within the allocated time frames for each year level.
eg. Prep, Year 1, Year 2 - books on loan for a one-week period.
Years 3-6 -books on loan for a two-week period.
Library opening hours
The Library is open during first break (10:45am to 11:15am) Monday to Thursday for Year 1 & 2 students and Friday for Preps.
Each day we offer different activities, such as drawing, board games, movie and reading.