Parent Teacher Interviews and Academic Reporting
North Shore State School offers a Parent Teacher Interviews are conducted twice a year in addition to two written reports per year. Details of the Parent Teacher Interviews are advertised in the school newsletter and on the school Facebook page. Bookings are made through an online booking system.
Informal meetings
Contact with teachers is important, however, teachers are not able to attend to telephone calls or meetings with parents during learning time. If you require a meeting with a teacher we ask that you arrange a time through the office or directly with the staff member to allow ample time to discuss your concerns.
Newsletters are published fortnightly and available on our school website and via email (where parents/carers have provided the school with an email address).
Facebook page
Facebook: search forNorth Shore State School, like the page to receive notifications. We advertise events on this page and also share photos of events. We find Facebook is a great way to get a message out to the wider community quickly.